the dumbest thing i ever did.......
take two kids under two to the doctors office for shots, each one got five (5!!!)!!! we then proceeded to listen to them scream.......uh wait they are still screaming. i must be a damn fool.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
sometimes I amaze myself
check out the bow Melissa is wearing, I made that!! I am not talented with craft things. I usually destroy them, or they come out so messed up it is best to get rid of it. I discovered I can make hair bows. Not the most amazing talent in the world, or the most impressive, but useful when you have a little girl to put them on. Getting her to wear them is a different story....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
happy day....
Caleb had a "small gathering" for his birthday. This "small gathering" took on a life of its own! Nine boys showed up for this shin dig! They had a grand time chasing each other and playing some stupid game called Backugan. (Any one know what the hell this is??) Since I am clueless about the ins and outs of this, new cool game with some freaky ball creatures rolling around
, it is a sign of my "old age". At least according to the mass of 9 and 10 years olds here at the party. They all had googly eyes at all the Backugan toys Caleb received.
Holly was here visiting and did the smart thing; retreat to bedroom and get some much needed zzz's.
It was a happy day (despite Spike's death) when our much anticipated minivan arrived. Oooooohhh I SO love the leather heated seats! Nothing like a warm butt end in the winter! I also adore the DVD player in it as well. Finally some peace inside the vehicle while I drive to our various destinations. I adore the van.....never did I think I would become a "van mom".
Oh yeah my parents and Cami brought the van to us, it was nice to see them. :)
a day of mourning
A day of mourning is needed at our house. Caleb discovered the much loved Spike the Horny Toad lizard had passed on to the other side. Oh the tears!!
Caleb has a very very soft heart when it comes to his beloved animals. He adores them. Caleb finds lost pets in the neighborhood and brings them home to us. "Because we can't just let them wonder. How will they ever find their homes?" Needless to say we know all the neighbors, not by faces but by their pets. (Oh, this so YOU'RE Sally's -the dog- parents!) He is still planning on Harlee's Hospital for his Vet practice when he becomes an adult. Caleb would like to make this happen after he leaves the Marines. But really as long as he has half a dozen pets or so in his life then he will be happy.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
how to tell someone loves you
Ron loves me because.....
he bought a minivan...awww...
lst night he gave me the choice -a warm meal, which he cooked- or a nap. I slept. And in the end I got both. Awwww.....
he bought a minivan...awww...
lst night he gave me the choice -a warm meal, which he cooked- or a nap. I slept. And in the end I got both. Awwww.....
How to tell it has been a good day....
It has been a good day here at my house. How can I tell??
I got to brush my teeth BEFORE lunchtime
both babies have taken naps at the SAME time
I got to take a nap
I took two dogs, and two babies on a walk with no problems
I haven't had to change 10 diapers yet today....only 7
I drank only HALF of my diet coke (goal is no sodas, but I needed the caffeine)
and my honey called me :)
I got to brush my teeth BEFORE lunchtime
both babies have taken naps at the SAME time
I got to take a nap
I took two dogs, and two babies on a walk with no problems
I haven't had to change 10 diapers yet today....only 7
I drank only HALF of my diet coke (goal is no sodas, but I needed the caffeine)
and my honey called me :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
family pictures

We had family pictures done for Christmas cards. And the photographer came to our house and took these!! They did an AMAZING job! I just love the photos of the kids. F A B U L O U S!!
I have been busy trying to handle three kids. Mostly trying to get them ALL on the same schedule, AKA I get a nap! So far it has been OK. I get a nap each day, for at least an hour. Sure there are a ton of other things that need to be done. Like laundry, clean the house, blah blah blah. But nothing gets in the way of my daily nap.
Melissa's vocabulary still grows in leaps and bounds. She hollers "PHONE" whenever the phone rings. And she hollers it until I pick it up. She continues to learn about her body and can locate eyes, and so forth.
Caleb is still complaining that holding Ryan while I make dinner is NOT a reward for good behavior. I continue to try and convince him otherwise.
And Ron broke down and bought a minivan. It is a ooo la la version of what we need. It has LOTS and LOTS of bells and whistles, DVD player (Thank goodness!) Navigation (so I can ACTUALLY FIND my home to Utah!) and so forth. I am looking forward to having it. No more kids poking each other's eyeballs out, no more "Melissa is pulling my hair", no more WHY can't we bring the DVD player with us when we are driving to the grocery store .5 miles away?? Sweet peace is what this will bring us. Of course, another car payment too. bluk! But worth it I think. It is located out of state and so we are waiting for it to be delivered to us. Hopefully my parents can deliver it to us and manage to come for a short visit at the same time.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
no photographic evidence
I have no photo evidence of this event, but I assure you it has occurred. Ryan smiled. Yes he did. He smiled at three days! I know I know most babies do not do this until they are a few months old. But my sweet Ryan did it at three days.
He also has HUGE feet! They are like Thumper from Bambi, huge feet. They are as long as my longest finger, then he can still wrap his toes around the top of my finger. He never fit the newborn shoes we have for him. So we nick named him Thumper.
Melissa has learned many new words as well
eyes- as she tried to gouge your eyeball out
Har- for Harlee. She yells this because we all yell at the dogs when they bark
Baby -for Ryan
ritty- AKA pretty as she puts lotion on her cheeks
out-as in take me outside NOW!
It is all pretty cute. Then she also babbles and tattles on the parents. She will cry to the other parent and tell them all about it. We laugh at her.
He also has HUGE feet! They are like Thumper from Bambi, huge feet. They are as long as my longest finger, then he can still wrap his toes around the top of my finger. He never fit the newborn shoes we have for him. So we nick named him Thumper.
Melissa has learned many new words as well
eyes- as she tried to gouge your eyeball out
Har- for Harlee. She yells this because we all yell at the dogs when they bark
Baby -for Ryan
ritty- AKA pretty as she puts lotion on her cheeks
out-as in take me outside NOW!
It is all pretty cute. Then she also babbles and tattles on the parents. She will cry to the other parent and tell them all about it. We laugh at her.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween - of course!
OK, so I know everyone will be posting pictures of their kids today from Halloween. So I might as well join in right? Well, as besides the point that my kids are so cute I just have to share. Melissa was a honey bee-big surprise there! Caleb was the monster person thing from Scream. (As you can tell I know SO much about this subject! HA HA!!) Little baby Ryan was a mummy till he peed all over his costume. Again- how appropriate! So here are some pics from Halloween, pumpkin carving and other stuff from the last week or so. My m-i-l is still here with us and I have been abusive of her wonderful kindness by taking naps in the middle of the day, and letting her do ALL the dishes. I haven't seen the inside of a dishwasher for almost three weeks now! She is the BEST!! I am always told by other women how lucky I am to have such a great m-i-l, believe me I know it!
On a side note, I am also happy to say my hormones are returning to normal, I am not so weepy, irratable, or in general grumpy. That is as long as I can get some sleep at night! Most of the baby weight is gone, and Ron prossed his love for my flabby body. Did I mention I TOTALLY adore Ron?! He is he best hubby. He has been good to get up witht he kids at night and changing diapers even!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Little Ryan
Ryan entered the world on Monday night, he came in at 6 pounds 14 oz, and 19 inches long. MUCH MUCH smaller than Melissa. But he is just oh so cute! Here are some pictures, did I mention he is oh so cute???
I have said this before--I may not be the most beautiful gal in the world but I have FREAKING cute kids.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
mmmmm chocolate
For the record I am still as irritable as ever. However, according to the DR today she thinks the baby will arrive by Monday. This is GOOD news. So MAYBE I can return to a normal rational person. But in the mean time I have been baking up a storm. (something about that nesting instinct....)
This is the first time I have ever let Melissa have at the beaters, or lick the bowl. You know normal kid stuff. Kids are supposed to get gooey gross and messy and lick all the batter off the bowls and beaters. Melissa made a HUGE mess, and went straight from high chair to shower.....
For the record there will be no more blog posting until the baby boy Peterson gets here. I am spending my time getting ready for him and praying that labor comes soon!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Things that bother me
I have been reading a lot of blogs lately, all my friends and family bolgs talk about what they are grateful for and how wonderful life is for them. So I decided to do the opposite. I am going to talk about all the things that bother me, and since I am 9 months pregnant this list will be LONG! And if you do not have a sense of humor, then stop reading right now and get back to what you were doing. :)
Things that bug me- in no particular order
-people that blog only the good things in their lives, I want to hear about how broke you are, how horrible your kids are and things that happen in REALITY!
-DR's that refuse to induce you BEFORE the due date, when this had been the plan all along
-little boys that do not listen to their mothers and watch cartoons instead
-diapers that leak
-appliances that break
-husbands that forget they make commitments to the children and then schedule a meeting the same morning
-drive thru workers that do not give you a straw with your drink
-medical billers that can not turn your information into the insurance, they forgot.
Things I am jealous of
-friends that actually can grow a garden
-friends that manage their money and can afford trips, furniture and so forth (we do OK on this but we could do better as well. Like beef up the savings account.)
-people that can actually scrapbook well
-artsy people
-people that can manage their 4-10 kids, get them all to school on time, feed them organic well balanced meals, bed at a decent time with all the homework done, and attend sports and activities on time
-people that win the lottery, when will it be my turn??? (uh I guess I should buy a ticket then huh?)
OK, so now that I have done that here are things I like at the moment
-ice from Sonic, I can chew on it ALL day long
uh, I think that is it. Just kidding. I know my list of things that bother me are trivial, but they bug me just the same. And yes I know I have a pretty good life all in all, healthy kids, a hubby that I can not complain about (since he thinks I am the best), food on the table and so forth.
I am a grumpy pregnant women so I complain more these days and sneer at listening to how wonderful everyone's lives are. I am not going to try to look on the bright side, or be happy or anything so silly as that. I will be these things when the baby is born. I will also post more pictures when I feel like it, AKA after the baby is born.
Things that bug me- in no particular order
-people that blog only the good things in their lives, I want to hear about how broke you are, how horrible your kids are and things that happen in REALITY!
-DR's that refuse to induce you BEFORE the due date, when this had been the plan all along
-little boys that do not listen to their mothers and watch cartoons instead
-diapers that leak
-appliances that break
-husbands that forget they make commitments to the children and then schedule a meeting the same morning
-drive thru workers that do not give you a straw with your drink
-medical billers that can not turn your information into the insurance, they forgot.
Things I am jealous of
-friends that actually can grow a garden
-friends that manage their money and can afford trips, furniture and so forth (we do OK on this but we could do better as well. Like beef up the savings account.)
-people that can actually scrapbook well
-artsy people
-people that can manage their 4-10 kids, get them all to school on time, feed them organic well balanced meals, bed at a decent time with all the homework done, and attend sports and activities on time
-people that win the lottery, when will it be my turn??? (uh I guess I should buy a ticket then huh?)
OK, so now that I have done that here are things I like at the moment
-ice from Sonic, I can chew on it ALL day long
uh, I think that is it. Just kidding. I know my list of things that bother me are trivial, but they bug me just the same. And yes I know I have a pretty good life all in all, healthy kids, a hubby that I can not complain about (since he thinks I am the best), food on the table and so forth.
I am a grumpy pregnant women so I complain more these days and sneer at listening to how wonderful everyone's lives are. I am not going to try to look on the bright side, or be happy or anything so silly as that. I will be these things when the baby is born. I will also post more pictures when I feel like it, AKA after the baby is born.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
boys and bugs
I can not figure out how to rotate these pics so you will just have to look at them sideways. Caleb caught a grasshopper, nasty looking thing. He though it was so cool. Did I mention -GROSS! He let is crawl all over his arm (YUCKY!) and then Melissa got interested in it. She did not want to touch it but was very curious as to what it was. She is more brave than I, I took these pictures through a closed glass door. No way was I going out there with such a nasty looking bug.
I will post pictures soon of Caleb playing flag football. He informed me last night he has a nickname from his team. They call him- shrimp. Ron and I laughed about this because all the boys on the team have at least 30-40 pounds on him and a good 6 inches. He is the smallest kid on the team. So Shrimp is appropriate.
Above are some pictures of the kids at the zoo. We let Melissa have an ice cream cone, which she loved of course. She liked looking at all the animals, but we cut the trip short. I was having pregnancy pains and it hurt too much to be walking around. Sad to say-no baby yet. I would have liked the baby to come yesterday, but I fear that since it is the last munchkin for our family I might make it to the due date. (Please God, no!!)
And last but not least for those of you that wanted too see my BIG FAT belly at full term there is a picture with Melissa in glasses, the black bump is my belly. This is ALL you will ever get. Why the fascination with seeing how I look pregnant? I look pregnant just like every other pregnant women out there. I feel like every other pregnant women out there, hormonal, irrational, tired, and in general bitchy. No one needs to see me at my worst, well almost the worst, delivery would be worse. And to answer that question-no pics or tape of the birth! Unless Ron wants to die young. Birth is a gross, slimy, dirty and PRIVATE business. We'll post pics of the little one to oh and ah over, and me looking perfect (HA HA!)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Here are some cute pics of Melissa. I LOVE sending them to everyone. The pics of Melissa in the grass were taken by Ron. He takes the kids to flag football practice. While Caleb practices, Melissa chases the bunnies in the park. You can see her point to one, when she sees them she kisses for them to come here, or will say "awwww". Too cute.
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