Oh wait, you thought something exciting actually happened in America's dullest house??? Hmmmm....nope. Nothing exciting here. Same ol' same ol'. Melissa now says "Ewww, Kuk!" When she sees a bug. She says things such as: "I like clothes", and " I like this". It is terribly cute and adorable. Then there is the purchase of the new trike. She can not peddle it but she can give Ryan a good shove from the trike and run him over. And scream "MINE!!" What fun that is.
Ryan is now starting to fight back, he tackles Melissa to the ground and pulls her hair out, or steps on her face. Again, what fun. So the little ones fight a lot right now, there is serious smacking and shoving happening. Of course when they are 10 month and 2 there is no real harm done and I can not keep a straight face during the fights. Their little faces get so mad and you can tell they are putting real effort into the fight, but they really just roll around on the floor.
Caleb decided to trade the lizards in. Well, mostly since they were all dying. We lost all of them in the matter of a week. So he traded with his pal for a hermit crab. Now I am terrified this crab will die. Which means I killed some kid's pet. I can just hear the label "pet killer" being shouted at me. As a result I hauled the kids over to Petsmart and bought everything a crab could need.
So now since the babies are sleeping at the same time, I am going to go to bed as well. This never happens during the day any more. 20 min nap for me then off to work I go. I feel like a hamster spinning my wheel.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ron FINALLY got the seats put on to the bikes. I have been waiting -and wanting- to get back to riding for years. I did not know how we would manage this with the little ones. Now we go on rides every night. Oh the burn..... hopefully it will whip my butt into shape-literally.
The babies look so funny in their helmets, especially Ryan. He looks like Helmet Men from Spaceballs (or so Ron says). He spends the entire ride trying to take the helmet off. usually it just slides over his face then he cries because he can't see anything. Melissa is the opposite. She LOVES to ride, and is always asking to go. She will retrieve her helmet and put it on, and then cries when she has to come home.
There is a pic of Melissa "playing dead". Mostly it looks like her licking her finger. But we "shoot" each other (meaning anyone on the family shoots anyone) and then we play dead. Ryan has not quite figured this out yet.
Last but not least the babies were caught "drinking and riving". They looked like they were in so much trouble it was hard to keep a straight face.
On a side note, I am still working full time. I work at Sprint and will work there as long as they will have me, or I keep up with all the metrics they have. It is OK. Some days I like it, others not so much. Just like every other job. It pays the bills and gives us great medical benefits.
Well, both babies are sleeping, meaning I refuse to miss out on this opportunity to catch some zzzz's as well. I will post when something exciting happens (uh....never).
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Melissa did NOT like the parade. It was too loud for her. In fact she is terrified of fireworks!! Last year she was laughing at them, this year she was crying. She was so scared of the noise that she asked to go to bed, I think she just shut down to cope. Melissa would hold her hands over her mouth and shake when she heard the noise. Maybe next year she will be laughing about them again.
This was the only pic I could get of the three kids together. They looked so cute in their coordinating tee shirts. Later in the parade they were all waving their little flags. It was adorable, of course I missed the moment with the camera.
Since I now work full time the postings, which were never regular to begin with, will become even more irregular. After all I am back to the "grind" of the working world. So on my days off I run around getting errands done, then groceries, then laundry. Once this is all completed it is time to go back to work again. Ron and I work opposite schedules, no days off together. I will say that sucks!! But it allows the babies to only have a sitter for three days rather than five. So I think it is worth it. Speaking of which, the sitter is AMAZING!! She adores the kids, tends to them wonderful, cleans the house and does the laundry!! The house has never been cleaner!! I am not giving out her name, I am terrified someone will steal her from me!! :)
When I actually get the kids out to do something, maybe if the errands are ran, dinner made and cleaned up, laundry completed, quality time with hubby done and babies are sleeping I will post another blog........one of these days.......
Sunday, June 21, 2009
It is ok to forget right???
I will admit it, I TOTALLY, COMPLETELY forget it is Father's Day. 100% out of my mind. I am losing my mind. So, I am thinking it is OK to forget because there is still daylight left. HA HA! I haven't even called my own Dad yet. Which by the way is the best , ever! He used to make us pancakes on Saturday mornings, I love that memory. He will still make me breakfast (grand kids too) when we visit. Mostly because I sit around waiting for him to get to it.
Now, the naked bums in this pics are NOT kiddie porn. The kids decided to strip down and play in the water in the yard. I mean strip down naked. Melissa thought this was quite funny, as you can see when I caught her with the camera.
On a new note, Ryan is trying so so hard to walk. Uh, yeah 8 months old (today) is a little early for this. He had pulled himself up and is standing in his crib. He is now pulling up and letting go. If you hold his hands he tries to walk. I think he will be my busy kid. Always on the run.
Caleb caught tadpoles the other day. I mean we live in the DESERT, the DESERT. So where these tadpoles came from I don't know. I don't know if I want to know. He caught six of them and only one survived. The first one died the other night, he cried and cried. There was serious tears shed over "the little dead baby tadpole". He used to say when he was little "but it is just a baby!" He said it again last night. I mean HOURS of crying. The pillow was still damp this morning over the loss of the tadpole. And by morning four more had gone to animal heaven. The one left is getting legs. No we are not keeping it. I made the deal that once it turns into whatever swamp monster it is, then we will take a trip to the Rio Grande and let it go.
And lastly, I am so close to being done with Christmas shopping. Oh yeaahh. I know most people think I am crazy. But I will tell you when you are out there fighting the crowd, traffic and stressing about trying to find the gift you need for someone. I will be laughing-quietly-because I will be all done. :) Granted it was not the biggest haul in the kids or Ron have ever had. But something is better than nothing.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I've been busy
OK, so I haven't been too busy. Just Ryan thinks he belongs on my hip all the time, this would include sleeping time. He now thinks he needs to sleep in bed with me. So when I lay him down he wakes up and cries until I put him on my pillow. He settles right down, as long as I stay right there. As you can imaging this does not work so well with Melissa. Melissa thinks it is her duty to wake Ryan up. She says to him "UP UP!" Then shakes the crib or pulls my pillow out from underneath. Er. I try to get them to sleep at the same time to avoid this fiasco.
Melissa turned two. We could hardly believe it! TWO!! I keep thinking of her as this little 18 month kid. But like my Dad used to say, "You know you are old when time goes by too fast." I used to think he was full of it. Funny how time does go by too fast. We took Melissa to Build a Bear in the mall. She loved it until they stuffed the bear. This was a bad idea. It was the same as last year, all fun until the machine came on. We bought her a cake, which was successfully smashed in the car. So rather than replace it, we ate it, tastes the same as non smashed cake.
My parents came for a visit we ran them to the ground. We took them places everyday they were here. And while they were here Ron and I got to go out. Good fun. We went to the casino and spent the night. We are not big gamble people but we put our $10 in and had fun. We also went to the movie, as in a REAL ADULT movie, with no animation and big words. HA HA! We went and saw Star Trek, it was really good. A pleasant surprise for me, since I am not a "Trekie". We took my parents to the zoo with the kids. There were lots of "zoo babies" there. My Dad picked up a duckie for Melissa to pet. Well the little one quacked hard for Mom and she came running. It was pretty funny. No petting the duckies! Caleb and my Dad went to the Aquatic Center. No pics on this one because we dropped them off. But I think they had fun. We also had a "pre" party for Melissa. Since her birthday wasn't until the week after they left, we celebrated early. I don't think Melissa minded.
Ryan has learned to crawl, pull himself up and is all over the place! He is so cute and so clingy with me. Melissa had some separation issues but Ryan has exceeded her standard. He likes to chase the new kitten, Max. We named him Max because we are Max'ed out here. Max'ed out on pets, space, and kids. :) Ryan will try to pull Max's fur out, Max just takes it. He is a funny cat. He likes to play chase with Caleb. Yes he chases Caleb like he is a dog. Melissa packs Max around, poor cat. Max takes this too without complaint. Or at least as long as she isn't choking him. He is cute and was my present for my birthday.
So Ryan is now screaming (again) because I am 6 feet away. Sign. I am posting lots and lots of pics and not labeling any of them...too much effort.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Happy Birthday to meeee!
Just in case you forgot my birthday is tomorrow-the 18Th. I am accepting all gifts deposited into my Paypal account. HA HA!! :) Besides I am turning 23 tomorrow I need presents. Another HA HA! It is a well know fact that after a certain age a women may deduct any amount of years from her "real" age. Hence I turning 23 tomorrow :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
the new playground
We have spent HOURS upon HOURS on this new structure. So many hours in fact I have bruises on my toosh from the swing that is too small for my rump. The kids out in the playhouse, on the picnic table and anywhere else they can. We haven't had a meal indoors in days. Needless to say the 80 degree weather helps this.
We also bought a shed. This purchase is long overdue and much needed. Now we can actually park the car in the garage!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Because I have been behind on the postings
I know I have been behind on the postings, but the babies have been sick, I have been feeling lazy, and we have been spending large amounts of time outside. So here are some pics to catch you up on what is happening here at the Peterson's.
We signed Caleb up for Young Marines. No pics on this yet because we have to buy him a uniform. As soon as we have a uniform we will post a picture. He LOVES this program. I will admit I do too. They will keep him busy enough we don't need to do sports or anything else! When he comes home from the program he is wiped out. He eats a ton then crashes into bed. What parent wouldn't love this?? They are taking him camping next weekend for "night navigation" and "live shooting" at the gun range. Don't worry it is safe. (Like I would sign Caleb up for something dangerous. ) Caleb has been doing better in school and home too! All due to the strict Young Marine rules.
Melissa keeps up the antics here at the house. She has learned to tell me what she wants --ahhhhh communication! It is wonderful! She says yes and no when she needs something. She also like to help with Ryan. She is getting really bossy. Melissa likes to yell at anything and everything! She has discovered a love for basketball. When she sees it on TV she claps her hands, jumps up and yells "go, go, go!!" We laugh so hard at this. We are trying to potty train her. But there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when she wants to use the potty. She will go for days and keep it all in the diaper, then she will use the potty for a few days. Whatever, one less diaper to change is one less. That is all that matters.
Ryan still can not roll over, but he can sit and scoot. I am expecting some crawling any day now. He is a VERY happy boy. He can lose his temper and when he does.....watch out! But this does not happen often. He thinks the door jumper is the best thing ever! I will put him in it and he will play for an hour or more. Ahhhh a sigh of relief for me! I can use that time to actually shower or brush my teeth! Heck even go potty!
Ron and I have nothing new in our lives, since our entire being revolves around the children. Ron did decide he wanted another baby, I told him violent things would happen to certain parts of his body if that happened. So there will NEVER EVER EVER be any more kiddies for us. Did I mention NEVER EVER??? :)
14 inches later.....
I decided I have had it! Enough is enough! Ryan ALWAYS gets his little sticky hands tangled in my hair. Now I LOVE having long hair. It makes me feel pretty. I like taking care of it and styling it. I just got tired of little Ryan's fingers pulling it all out. My hair was so long that little fingers just didn't get stuck they got tangled, leaving a mass of snarls behind. So I cut it, or the local beautician did. We measured it, off went 14 inches!! Yikes! I can not remember the last time I had my hair so short. Oh yeah I am not wearing any make-up in this pic so pardon the frighting face :)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
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