Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I used to hate these resolution things, why makes goals on things I know I am not going to do? Then I got old and I TRY to make them every year. TRY being the operative word. I actually think about things I want done during the year. Stupid things mostly, but some goals are better than no goals.
So here are my New Year's Resolutions:
Feed the kids breakfast BEFORE 10 AM, so they stop bugging me.
Walk these beasts of animals daily, so they stop bugging me.
Update this blog so I can stop feeling guilty about not keeping friends and family informed on my daily happenings. AKA so they can stop bugging me.
I will try to eat breakfast, before lunch time, and lunch before dinner time.
I will think about getting a job--ooo already done see??

That's all, otherwise I feel like an underachiever that did not get anything done during the previous year. ;)

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