This is my favorite picture of Ryan, well favorite recently. He thinks getting his picture taken is so great, but has failed to grasp the concept of holding still for the camera. He will run towards me the moment I get it out and try to grab it. Cute as it is makes picture taking a chore since the subject is always in motion. Isn't Ryan always in motion?? He has picked up so many new words it is amazing. Seems like he is in a rush for everything (rush to be born, rush to walk, etc). Since I like to brag (what parent doesn't?) His vocab now consists of: thank you, outside, light, kitty,
doggie, ball, car,
harley (more like lee), hi, bye and momma and daddy. He likes to be the greeter. I took him out to lunch for a play date earlier this week and he went to each and every table and said hello to the people there. He would stand in front of the table until he eye contact was made then he would say (more like yell) "
hiiii!". Then RUN to the next table. Cute? Yes. Good for trying to keep track of a two year old on a play date? No. Good for trying to eat lunch in a
crowded fast food joint? Nope. But cute.

Caleb and Melissa were just goofing around and I was able to snatch these shots. It is a perfect portrait of their relationship. Of course, this must be on Caleb's terms. AKA- no
friends are around to see this, no friends are around to play with and NEVER EVER repeat that he plays with his little sister. But when these terms are met he does quite well. Caleb will
occasionally indulge in a rolling on the floor
wrestling match with both babies. This
occasion is so rare it has yet to be photographed for evidence.

Christmas Eve night, well early morning Christmas was such hard work that Banjo just couldn't keep up. And all the kids were sleeping, they looked so sweet and just like "sugar
plums dancing in their heads".

We went to Utah right after Christmas for an overdue visit. We, the Peterson's, have been terribly demanding on the family and make them journey here. Mostly due to $$
constrictions, and well 10 - 11 hours in the car with three kids just does not make out to fun. The kids were amazing in the car, believe it or not. The above picture is Melissa so excited to see "
Nemo" at the aquarium there in Sandy. Caleb and Melissa LOVED the place. It was so crowded we could not get the stroller through most of it. Which made for frustrated parents with kids going in all directions, but it was fun in the end. Or so I tell myself.

There was so much snow there in Utah!! Crazy levels of snow. The babies have never seen snow like this. Much to our
surprise Melissa did not like the snow. She likes sledding down the hill, but carry her up the hill, across the street, and so forth. What a
prima donna!

Typical Ryan and Caleb photo, both crying. There were
lots of tears shed during the Utah trip, mostly because there was so much to do and see, and so little sleep and lack of schedule. We through it out the window! And yes, we suffered when we got home too! The kids just
this week have gotten back to bed time BEFORE 11 PM!! No fun for when I have to get up with Caleb to get ready for school. Caleb
decided he would be responsible enough to get himself up, ready, teeth brushed and out the door without waking. He claims he knew how tired I have been. Well, all I know is I woke up to the TV on the cartoon channel, food on the table and no Caleb. I screamed and yelled, looked through out the house. Of course called Ron in a near panic! Then I called the school, yep, he's there and fine. Caleb sure caught an earful when arriving home. So the next morning he decided he would just leave me a note. Never mind the note is REALLY small and barely seen on the counter ledge......sigh. Not sure what I will do with that boy.

The begining of the updated blog. Pics. Pics. Pics.
I'll update more later.......or edit this post
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